Easy Shares Accounts


Our Easy Shares Account allows you to save a little or a lot, as and when you have it, to use for what you want.

This is a separate savings facility where you can save and withdraw your money for all of the little things. Members taking a loan from the credit union use the funds in their main savings account as collateral that they borrow against. The funds held in your Easy Shares Account are not secured against any credit union loan you may have, giving you the freedom to add and withdraw funds at any time.

If you want to..

  • Save for occasions e.g. Christmas, a holiday
  • Plan for the future
  • Budget to manage your home

EASY means…

  • Deposit when you want
  • Withdraw when you want
  • NO charges along the way
  • Your savings are protected, free of charge

How does it work? To open your account:

  • You must already be a member of Kilkeel Credit Union Ltd
  • Your Easy Shares Account is a sub-account of your main account
  • Your minimum savings is £5
  • The maximum savings in Easy Shares is £4000
  • The maximum held between both accounts is £13000
  • You can withdraw money anytime
  • You will receive a dividend on these shares
  • Your shares are covered by the same insurance as the shares in your main account
  • You will be issued with a YELLOW passbook – you will need this for any transaction
  • You may require up to date identification – check with the office staff

But remember:

  • You CANNOT use the shares in your Easy Shares Account as security for a loan
  • If a member closes their main account they must also close their Easy Shares Account
  • Check your nomination as this covers both accounts

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